Colton Elliott
Birthday: March 13 1997
First Pro I Met: Ryan Williams at the Vancouver nitro circus show
Favourite Combo: front 50-50 rotar wip
Favorite Scooter Trip? August 2016, all the homies, carson shiefner, alex destafano, bailey maxcy, pau esplugas, Patrick Schneider, Jayden lee, Brent ikedah and I took an 8 day road trip to San Diego to attend the sd 11 competition.
Favourite Lucky Rider? would have to be Jackson burklund because his style and flow is just amazing.
Shoes I Ride In: converse low and high tops, they are comfy and stylish at the same time
Least Favorite Food: Tomatoes
Birthday: March 13 1997
First Pro I Met: Ryan Williams at the Vancouver nitro circus show
Favourite Combo: front 50-50 rotar wip
Favorite Scooter Trip? August 2016, all the homies, carson shiefner, alex destafano, bailey maxcy, pau esplugas, Patrick Schneider, Jayden lee, Brent ikedah and I took an 8 day road trip to San Diego to attend the sd 11 competition.
Favourite Lucky Rider? would have to be Jackson burklund because his style and flow is just amazing.
Shoes I Ride In: converse low and high tops, they are comfy and stylish at the same time
Least Favorite Food: Tomatoes